IT tutorials
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Divs and AP Elements - Placing div Tags (part 3)
All CSS block elements are rendered in the browser according to the CSS box model. The box model, established by the W3C CSS standards body, determines how much room a block element actually takes up on the page.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Divs and AP Elements - Placing div Tags (part 2)
Live View makes it easy for the Dreamweaver designer to accurately preview the current Web page as it appears in a modern browser.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Divs and AP Elements - Placing div Tags (part 1)
CSS-P information can be defined in a style sheet or inline. Defining the CSS rule in a style sheet (either external or internal) has the benefit of truly separating content from presentation, which, in turn, makes it easier to reshape the content via another style sheet for another medium.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Divs and AP Elements - Divs and AP Elements 101
When the World Wide Web first made its debut in 1989, few people were concerned about the aesthetic layout of a page.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Creating a Nested Table
A nested table is a table inside a cell of another table. You can format a nested table as you would any other table; however, its width is limited by the width of the cell in which it appears.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Using a Tracing Image
You can use a tracing image as a guide to create a page design in Dreamweaver. For example, you can use Adobe Photoshop to create an exact replica of what you want your Web page to look like (i.e. headings, body text areas, navigation, etc), and then use that image as a tracing image to help design the actual Web page.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Changing Cell, Row, or Column Properties
Cells can contain colors or image backgrounds, and when placing text and graphics, you decide how the information appears within the table cells; however, there is a priority to how the cells are formatted.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Changing Table Properties
When you create a table, it’s not just about what you place into the individual table cells; it’s how you format the table and the individual cells. When formatting tables, you can set properties for the entire table or for individual rows, columns, or cells in the table.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Splitting and Merging Cells, Sorting Table Data
Cells can also be split or combined (also known as merged). Often there is more to modifying a table than adding or deleting rows or columns; you need to make cells just the right size to accommodate the text you are entering in the table.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Adding Columns or Rows to Tables, Resizing Columns and Rows
As you begin to work on a table, you might need to modify its structure by adding more rows and columns to accommodate new text, graphics, or other tables. The table realigns as needed to accommodate the new structure.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Importing and Exporting Table Data
Instead of retyping data in a table that you have in another document, such as Microsoft Excel, you can import it into a table in Dreamweaver. The tabular data needs to be saved in a delimited text format with items separated by tabs, commas, colons, or semicolons.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Adding Content into a Table
After you finishing creating the table layout and cells, you can insert content. You can add text, images, and other data in Standard or Expanded Table modes. Simply click in the cell where you want to add material, and then type, paste, or insert the content you want.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Modifying a Table
After you create the initial table and cells, you can select, resize, move, or even delete the table and cells to fine tune it. When you move or resize a cell in a table, there are a few things you need to avoid.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Web Page Tables - Inserting a Table in Standard Mode
When you insert a table using Standard mode, you get a very ordered table... think spreadsheet and you’ve got a pretty good idea of what I’m talking about. And once the table is created, you can, if you choose, to make changes in Standard or Expanded Table mode.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with Tables, Switching Between Table Modes
You can create tables using two different modes: Standard and Expanded Tables. Each mode has its strengths and weaknesses. Standard mode is useful for creating and displaying a table as it will appear in a Web browser and adding and editing content.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Styles and Their Attributes (part 3) - List options, Positioning options, Extensions options
CSS gives you greater control over bulleted points. With Cascading Style Sheets, you can now display a specific bulleted point based on a graphic image, or you can choose from the standard built-in bullets, including disc, circle, and square.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Styles and Their Attributes (part 2) - Block options, Box options, Border options
One of the most common formatting effects in traditional publishing, long absent from Web publishing, is justified text — text that appears as a solid block. Justified text is possible with the Text Align attribute, one of the seven options available in the CSS Block category.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Styles and Their Attributes (part 1) - Type options, Background options
After you've selected a type and name for a new style or chosen to edit an existing style, the CSS Rule Definition dialog box opens. A Category list from which you select a style category (just as you select a category of preferences in Dreamweaver's Preferences dialog box) is located on the left side of this dialog box.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Creating and Applying Styles (part 5) - Debugging your applied CSS
Anyone working with CSS for any amount of time has experienced the frustration of seeing their Dreamweaver-perfect page break in one or more browsers. Real-world browser testing is a tried-and-true technique, but a tedious and time-consuming one with no clear solutions.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Creating and Applying Styles (part 4) - Editing and managing style sheets
Style sheets, like most elements of a Web page, are almost never set in stone. Designers need to be able to modify style rules — whether they're embedded or from an external style sheet — at a moment's notice. Through the CSS Styles panel's Edit Styles mode, Dreamweaver provides near-immediate access.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Creating and Applying Styles (part 3) - Applying, changing, and removing a style
As noted, any HTML tags redefined as CSS styles in an attached style sheet are automatically applied to your document. However, any custom CSS style must be applied on a case-by-case basis.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Creating and Applying Styles (part 2) - Applying styles through the Property inspector, Attaching an external style sheet
Now that CSS-enabled browsers dominate, more Web designers are encountering clients with existing external style sheets. To apply the site's design specifications to a new page, all the designer need do is connect the current page to the CSS document. Dreamweaver provides a streamlined method for doing just that.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Creating and Applying Styles (part 1) - Generating new styles
The world of CSS can be overwhelming to the novice designer: How do you even begin to master this complex set of rules and concepts? Dreamweaver offers many routes to explore CSS, but perhaps the easiest entry is through the Property inspector.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Working with the CSS Styles Panel
The CSS Styles panel is Dreamweaver's central point for establishing, modifying, and learning about Cascading Style Sheets. It is, by far, the most complex and sophisticated of any of Dreamweaver's panels and requires a bit of explanation to help you to understand how best to use it.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : Understanding Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets are able to apply many features with a simple syntax that is easy to understand. If you're familiar with the concept of using styles in a word processing program, you'll have no trouble grasping style sheets.
Adobe InDesign CS5 : Using Scripts - Exploring JavaScript
JavaScript is a very complex language based on object-oriented programming, which abstracts items and attributes as objects that are then grouped, changed, or otherwise manipulated.
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- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 1) - Swimlanes
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Formatting and sizing lists
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